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DESCRIPTION: : Is a mixture of rubberized asphalt, drying and non-drying oils, heat resistant fillers and bituminous preservative and formulated to produce heavy bodies, self-curing sealant between horizontal joints in concrete and metal. Maintains good adhesion with concrete during expansion and construction and is water proof to prevent joint space filtration of moist, dirt and other foreign substances. 



Doron C-Bond (Concrete and Plaster Adhesive)​

DESCRIPTION: : ​​​​​​​Doron C-Bond is a 55%-solid, Modified synthetic resin designed for use as a bonding agent and admixture for cement and plaster mixes.



Doron Cement Remover​

DESCRIPTION: : Is a strong, multi-use, fully inhibited liquid acid formulation developed for heavy duty rust and scale removal. It’s a dissolving action on rust and scale is fast and thorough, making it a more effective replacement for the acids such as sulfuric and muriatic. 
​It is a formulated with a compatible, extremely stable inhibitor. Its chemical formulation dissolves rust and lime scale down to the base metal with the selective inhibitor protecting the metal surface.



Doron Concrete Accelerator​

DESCRIPTION: : Is a solution of Sodium Lignosulfonate and reactive chemical salts in water. The lignosulfonate contributes to the water reducing properties of the solution while the chemical salts induce the accelerating and hardening properties when used in concrete mixes.



Doron Cementitious Waterproofing â€‹

DESCRIPTION: : Doron Cementitious Waterproofing is a two component, flexible cementitious waterproofing membrane. It consists of selected cement blend with well-graded fillers and synthetic resin. Doron Cementitious Waterproofing is capable of bridging hairline cracks.



Doron Fil (Rubber)

DESCRIPTION: : It is made form vulcanized polychloroprene rubber mixed with fillers, plasticizers, binders, and blowing agents. It is rubberized, resilient, water and insect resistant and easily handled. It is pneumatic cushion. Its resilience and compressibility enable it to deform under pressure with no extrusion and almost total recovery in the range of 80% to 95% of its original thickness as the applied pressure is removed.



Doron Floor Hardener (Liquid)​

DESCRIPTION: : Doron Floor Hardener is an integral admixture, produced as a thin liquid which is added to the mixing water used in tempering the mix. Produces hard, dense and durable concrete, highly resistant to abrasion and penetration of water, greases, oils and most dilute corrosive chemical.



Doron Floor Hardener (Powder)​

DESCRIPTION: : is a monolithic surface hardening compound for fresh concrete floors. It is a quality controlled, factory blended powder which is ready to use on site. It consists of special hard wearing emery aggregates selected for their physical properties of abrasion and wear resistance, Portland cement and special additives to improve workability. 



Doron Plastering Compound

DESCRIPTION: : It is a synthetic resin emulsion of high solid content with excellent adhesive properties with concrete. When used, it eliminates costly preparation prior to plastering, topping or rendering, such as scotching, hacking to ensure bonding



Doron Polyurethane Seal​

DESCRIPTION: : Doron Polyurethane Seal is a low modulus, once component, class ‘A’ polyurethane sealant. When cure it will form a tough, flexible seal capable of cyclic expansion and compression movement of 50% (+25%) of the original joint width. 
Doron Polyurethane Seal is virtually unaffected by normal weathering conditions such rain, sunlight, snow, slee, ultra-violet, radiation, ozone, atmospheric contamination and pollution. Its excellent weatherability enables it to retain its original properties after years of exposure. 



Doron Retarder

DESCRIPTION: : A ready to use aqueous solution of sodium lignosulfonate, a non-toxic, non-chloride dark brown liquid and slightly viscose than water and a 1.14 specific gravity at room temperature (25°C) which instantly disperses in water. 
It disperses the fine particles in the concrete to perform more effective. The initial hydration of the cement is also delayed, resulting in the delay in the setting time of the concrete with no adverse effect on subsequent stiffening and strength gain. 



Doron Waterplug (Liquid)

DESCRIPTION: : Is a liquid form that when it is mixed with fresh cement forms a quick setting cement plug. It contains reactive chemical salts which accelerate the setting and hardening of the cement plug.



Doron Waterplug (Powder)

DESCRIPTION: : Is a non-shrinking, ready-to-use hydraulic materials that is to be mixed with water. It seals seepage instantly and sets within 1 ½ to 3 minutes. It does not pull away from edges of patch.

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