Featured Products

Eco 360 Comfortplus
Fixed 3:1 or 2:1 pitch, electrical desktop punching and RENZ RING WIRE® binding machines for all types of book and calendar production. Designed to produce low to medium volumes of documents of all sizes quickly and easily.

Combi S
Manual desktop plastic comb punching and binding machine. For all types of comb book production.

SPB 360
Manual coil punching and electric inserting machine with integrated crimping and cutting device. Designed for low to medium volumes of plastic coil books production.

Punch 500
Heavy-duty, professional punch machine. Very versatile machine for all types of book and calendar punching production.

AP 360
Heavy-duty, high-speed, professional, automatic, floor standing, auto-punch machine. For a range of book and calendar punching production.

ECL 360
Electric RENZ RING WIRE® closing machines, no effort required. A user-friendly solution to wire bind all your products quickly and easily, available in 360 mm, 500 mm or 700mm.

IDEAL 2265
Convenient deskside shredder with cabinet and EASY-Touch for intuitive operation.

IDEAL 4315
Office guillotine with electro-mechanical blade drive, manual clamp and EASY-CUT – for formats up to A3.