The CITIBIND CORPORATION is a 100% Filipino corporation duly organized and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on January 22, 1992, under Reg. No. AS092-000399, with the Department of Trade and Industry under Reg. No. 02022266 with the Bureau of Internal Revenue, under Reg. No. 049-001-113-555V; with the Social Security System, with I.D. No. 03-9018655-3; and presently with the City of Makati, per Mayor's permit No. 3033.
The CITIBIND CORPORATION is primarily organized to engage in the business of Paper Handling Equipment, its supplies and parts, papers, paper products, and office supplies.
The company's line of products includes: Punch/Bind Machines, Laminating Machines, Paper Shredders, and Cutters; its corresponding supplies such as: plastic and wire comb binders, board and clear vu covers, clips, pouches and laminating films; the related supplies: copy fax, bond and mimeo paper, tabulating stock forms, computer tab labels, dividers, office supplies and other allied products.
Though organized in 1992, the CITIBIND CORPORATION had no operation during the year, for all the men and women behind the company were still engrossed with their personal commitments and/or connected with, other companies. In May 1993, however, the corporation had decided to operate in full force and had entered into a sole-dealership agreement with the CHR. RENZ GMBH & CO. of the Federal Republic of Germany, maker and manufacturer of RENZ Brand of Plastic and Wire Punch/Bind Machines, Laminating Machines, pouches, Laminators and their supplies: laminating films, plastic and wire comb binders and other products above-mentioned. The corporation has obtained a growth rate of more than 100% investment turn over since 1993. From the annual sales of Php. 830,000.00 in 1993, the succeeding years sales has increased remarkably, the highest of which is in 1997 at Php 11.7 million.
With the government economic recovery policies and economic assistance coming from various international communities, God willing, the CITIBIND CORPORATION has envisioned that it will contribute its share, even in a small measure, to the government's program "ANGAT PINOY."